Publish Products: Earn more money

Do you create designs that sells?

If you can create your own genuine designs on products, we give you the opportunity to design on products and let Printlet merchants use your designed products to sell at their own stores through Printlet Shop.


You receive a copyrights fees every time your product is sold. The copyrights fees is settled by you while publishing a designed product on Printlet Shop.

How it works?

Start earning in 5 steps..


  1. Choose product
    Choose product(s) from 30+ product available for print on demand.
  2. Upload your design
    With our free Product Design Studio, easily apply designs to any product by uploading designs, add text, shapes, switch within unlimited coloring and fonts.
  3. Save product
    After you are happy with the design save and name it.
  4. Publish product
    After Saving your designed product, you can find it in Saved products tab where you can request publish your product.
  5. Approval
    We will receive your publish request, make sure that it fits all the requirements then publish your product to our shop

Artwork Requirements:

  • Genuine design (originally created by you)
  • High quality design uploaded
  • No Abuse/Racism/Political
  • Silver or Gold User