Our policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

When can return or exchange a product?

  • It is within your right as a customer to replace a product you ordered within 14 days of receiving the product if the product is defective due to manufacturing.
  • Please note that you are not entitled to a replacement or return if it is not within 14 days.
  • If the product is returned most probably you will receive the refund will returning the product, however in some cases you could receive the refund in 3-7 working days
  • We apologize – you must bear the first shipping costs, which are nonrefundable.

If you would like to return a product:
please send us photos for the product through returns@printleteg.com

When are ‘Returns’ not possible?

  • Return request is made outside the specified time frame, of 14 days from delivery.
  • The product is used, damaged, or is not in the same condition as you or your customer received it.
  • Any consumable item which has been used or installed.
  • Any design defects that was submitted by you, so please read the printing file requirement in each product description carefully.
  • Any wrong sizing, colors or models you choose while ordering, but we do compromise for a solution.
  • Anything missing from the package you’ve received including Price Tags, Labels, Original Packing, Freebies & Accessories.
  • Fragile items, hygiene-related items.

I’am a store, What happen to my returns?

Returns are stored for you to request it back to your address with a maximum of 60 days, after that the order items will be disposed.

You can request to resend any returned order at anytime within 60 days with new shipping fees.

How do I cancel an order?

You can cancel your order online anytime before the order status is changed to “Printing”. Your entire order amount will be refunded if it was pre paid,

Refund amounts is transferred to your wallet where you can cash out or re order.

If you are a retailer and the order has been shipped but has not yet been “delivered” to your customer, you may still cancel the order by contacting us, you may refund the delivery fees if there’s no delivery attempts.

Unfortunately, an order cannot be canceled once the item has been delivered to you or your customer.

In order to cancel an item in your order, you have to send us on orders@printleteg.com